Case study

Shower Restoration of Toronto
  • 2.5x more leads
  • Higher quality leads
  • 111% speed boost

The effect of the website on our business has been an increase of four to five fold, at least.

David and Tabytha Vassos, Owners of Shower Restoration of Toronto

David & Tabytha Vassos
Shower Restoration of Toronto website
Old website

The problems

Shower Restoration of Toronto had a website, but it wasn't generating many leads. Here are some of the reasons why:

Ineffective messaging

It didn't clearly communicate what they did, what their value was, or why someone should trust them.


Their website and photo gallery didn't work on mobile. Since over 60% of users browse on phones, most visitors couldn't properly use the site.

Old and outdated

Having not been updated in years, it lacked a professional look, and featured outdated images of their work.

As a result of these problems, they were losing potential clients to their competitors' websites.

See how we solved these problems

The solutions

Improve messaging

Clearly communicate what they do and how it solves the client's problems.

Build trust

Showcase excellent reviews and before and after images.

Call to action

Include prominent calls to action that make it easy for potential customers take the next step.

Shower Restoration of Toronto website highlights

Before and after

David and Tabytha Vassos, Owners of Shower Restoration of Toronto

"The website looks FANTASTIC. So easy to use, love it!"

David & Tabytha Vassos, Owners

The old website

Home page
Quote page

The new website

The results

Here are some of the results we were able to achieve together with the new website:


2.5x more leads

The new design, layout, and messaging caused a 150% increase in quote requests.


Higher quality leads

The clear messaging significantly reduced unqualified leads, and increased sales conversions.


111% speed increase

The new website saw a 111% increase in speed, great for SEO and user experience.

Contact page of

Client testimonial

In this video, David and Tabytha share their experience working with Michael from Webbolt, and the impact they've seen on their business.



Free Website Review Video

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